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Parks and Green spaces

Parks and green spaces have been a huge part in the making of the Northgate neighborhood. These areas have brought communitys together and has helped bring nature into a place where city things were powering nature. These parks and green spaces have been able to clean the air, grow communities and stay truth to many of the habitats. Lets take a look on how important these Parks and Green spaces are 

The assets that Northgate green spaces and parks bring

Family Picnic

Open to anyone and family friendly 

Parks and green spaces are a huge asset to the neighborhood as it is a easy access to get to, any type of transportation can get you to a park. Many of these parks are also available many times compared to other neighborhoods that close after a certain time. Northgate parks and green spaces are open all the time and are kept clean and sanitary for anyone to come and use the wonderful areas that this neighborhood brings. They are great spaces for kids to play in or for a single adult to lay down and read a book or work on your laptop as the amount of green space is a lot to use for anyone 

Community Service

Grows community

The northgate parks and green are a huge asset to the community as at first they were brought in to make community’s bigger and better for family’s to live in. The first parks were in creation to make communities like any city, but as time moved on many parks were added to add nature into a place where city dominated. For the community, they have responded well to the many parks being built and are pleading for more. The community wants more parks for its community wellness, but also a way of protecting animal life and their habitats. 

Dry Branch

Enviormental and habitat help

parks a huge asset to the community but the overall background revolves around habitat restoration where creatures of all kinds such as birds can live in a community that is so city dominated and in that can create strong communities. There has been a outreach(Also stated in Grows community) to grow more habitats in the community which have brought animal life back to Northgate such as birds and squirrels. A big push for the environment and its animals will come for the future as more join. 


Transportation with Parks and Green spaces

Parks and green spaces have been able to be more accessible as transportation in Northgate has been focused on the community's. Many bus routes, bike routes and even the light trail can get you close to a Northgate park. Transportation has been a big key on the success of parks as it’s a easy transportation to any park, and for any community it’s a easy way to get to a park to build a community and live it’s fun and natural things it brings. Not only is it a huge asset to the parks but there is no barrier that stops from bringing transportation and parks together which is what any growing community like Northgate wants.  

How Parks and greens spaces intertwined with Businesses and Gentrification

Although the contribution is small, our topics all come together 

Buisness aspects

The buisness area of our topics dont bring a big asset into parks and green spaces but it does have a huge asset the other way around. As a community the parks and green spaces can help with workers wellness state. It helps workers have a area where they can work and stay relaxed. 

Gentrification and demographics

Both are big assets to each other(Gentrification and parks) as it brings in more for the care of the areas. It also helps the new cultures that come in to feel like its a community where its safe to go to parks or relax at green spaces. It helps bring many different types of people together as a community since parks are a place to spend with one another as a community. 

Final Evaluation

In our observations, the final evaluation is that some of the topics are assets(A 3 in the scale). The parks and Green spaces works hand on hand with transportation to bring people to the parks and make them have a better stay at the Northgate neighborhood. Although business brings a small asset, it helps many workers have a place where they can destress and work comfortably at a place that involves clean air and beautiful nature. Gentrification in  parts provide strong services to the parks and have a way to keep the parks clean. It also helps involve many different cultures into Northgate that want to be part of the community and its parks and green spaces.  

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